
Welcome back, friends! It’s been a while! Just as I have been busy re-branding and re-designing my website, I’ve also given both my newsletter and this blog a mini-makeover of sorts as well. Today I am excited to share with you the new blog and all of the topics we will be exploring together! So, […]

Blogging, Clean Beauty, featured post, Lifestyle, Trending, Web Design

Welcome to “Behind the Curtain”

While I am working on sorting out my rosacea and other health issues, I am going to pivot a bit and talk a little more about blogs and websites. Specifically, why they are still relevant and why you need a website. When I first started blogging about ten years ago, a website was a must […]

Blogging, Business, Reviews, Web Design

Why You Need a Website/Blog & Why I am Obsessed with Showit and Tonic Site Shop!

Hey, everyone, and happy almost Friday! This post is a bit different than my usual, but one that I feel is just as important. I’ve been blogging for about 10 years now and in that time, my love for it has waxed and waned and then waned some more… Much of my dwindling passion has […]

Blogging, Brand Design, Business, Web Design

How A Web Design Company Helped Reignite my Blogging Passion

Tonic Site Shop

@Brie Louise Creative Studio 2023-2024

based in cambria, ny & working with clients worldwide
