Hey, I'm Brie

With over 30 years in the music industry, I get it—being a musician or creative can be a wild ride. You're passionate about your craft and driven to share it with the world, but standing out in a sea of talent can feel overwhelming.

Your Vision, My Mission

At BLC Studio, my goal is to help you shine. Whether you're an opera singer, music artist, or creative entrepreneur, I understand the unique challenges you face. From crafting compelling brand stories to building stunning websites, I'm here to ensure your online presence captures your artistry and vision.

Why Choose BLC Studio?

Like you, I've navigated the ups and downs of a creative career. As a singer and designer, I’ve felt the thrill of performing on stage and the satisfaction of seeing a project come to life. This dual perspective allows me to offer tailored solutions that resonate with your audience and elevate your brand. 

A Peek Behind the Curtain

Outside the studio, you’ll find me immersing myself in all things music and design. I’m passionate about continuous learning and staying inspired, which directly benefits my clients. My approach is holistic—I blend creativity with strategy to deliver results that are not only visually stunning but also impactful.

Let's Create Something Extraordinary

I’m excited to collaborate with you on your journey. Whether you need a complete brand overhaul, a new website, or some guidance on vocal technique or music career, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Your success is my success, and together, we can create something truly applause-worthy.

Feel free to reach out—I’d love to hear your story and explore how we can work together to bring your vision to life.

Welcome to BLC Studio. 

This is not your average design studio... 

From the moment I first sang in front of an audience at 19, I knew that music and performance were my true passions. My journey began with opera, a genre that demands both precision and emotion, teaching me the importance of excellence and empathy. Over the years, my love for music expanded to include design, where I found a new way to express creativity and tell stories. As an Aquarius, I’m drawn to innovation and originality, always seeking new ways to blend my artistic talents with my love for sustainability. This unique blend of music and design led to the creation of BLC Studio, where I help fellow artists and creatives build their brands and shine online. My mission is to combine the elegance of opera, the drama of Broadway, and the edge of rock to create captivating and purposeful designs that resonate with your audience and reflect your artistic vision.


opera singer, Founder + Creative Director

Designing Dreams, Elevating Artistry Designing Dreams, Elevating Artistry Designing Dreams, Elevating Artistry Designing Dreams, Elevating Artistry

leads my life

My heart

My music site

Creativity fuels everything I do. Whether I'm designing a brand identity or coaching a vocalist, I approach each task with a fresh perspective and an innovative spirit. My goal is to turn abstract ideas into tangible realities that captivate and inspire. This commitment to creativity ensures that every project is not just unique, but also deeply personal and memorable.

Creativity is the heartbeat of my work

Empathy is my guiding star...

Empathy drives my connection with clients and students alike. I strive to understand their needs, dreams, and challenges fully. This deep sense of understanding allows me to create designs that truly reflect their essence and provide vocal coaching that addresses their specific goals. By prioritizing empathy, I ensure that every interaction is meaningful and every outcome is fulfilling.

Sustainability is at the core of my approach

Sustainability is integral to my work philosophy. I believe that great design and impactful music can coexist with a commitment to our planet. From choosing eco-friendly materials to incorporating sustainable practices in my processes, I aim to minimize my environmental footprint. This dedication not only supports a healthier planet but also inspires others to embrace sustainability in their creative journeys.

The journey...

Switched college major from Graphic Art to Music Performance

Transitioned back into Music Performance + teaching



Back surgery forced me to take a beat from singing - started my eco-beauty blog.


This period was spent  performing, teaching, directing church choirs and singing in Europe.

Got sick of trying to DIY my website without knowing how to code, began learning web design on the Showit platform. Started getting clients and opened my studio. Never looked back!


Performing & teaching


book your free consult today!

Let’s hit the right notes with your brand!

Let's do this!

@Brie Louise Creative Studio 2023-2024

based in cambria, ny & working with clients worldwide
