
It’s that time again – time to pay your “monthly bill”. You run to the store and pick up the usual “popular” or store-brand feminine product and go on your way, never stopping to think for even a second that there could be any health or environmental risks involved in your choices. For years, that […]

Lifestyle, Wellness

The Toxic Truth About Your Feminine Products & Some Safer Alternatives

I’ve always been one of those people that cannot function without eating breakfast, so I am always looking for ideas and recipes that will not only provide me with the fuel I need to get me through my morning, but that also have the added benefits of being good for my skin. One of my […]

Lifestyle, Recipes, Wellness

Breakfast For Beautiful Skin – Homemade Raw Organic Blueberry Chia Jam {NO Sugar Added}

Since starting my journey to healing my skin naturally, it has been a constant roller coaster ride of wins and losses. Some things have worked, some have worked initially, and then for whatever reason my skin decided not to cooperate any longer and some things have been epic fails. I’ve battled the acne “beast” for […]

Lifestyle, Skincare

5 Things I’ve Learned On My Quest To Heal My Acne Holistically

Hey guys! So, a few posts back I shared with you my experience using some products from Enessa Organic Skincare (read post here), and today I want to share a few more that I have since tried! Since my last post, my skin has calmed down quite a bit (knock on wood!), and I think […]

Lifestyle, Skincare

Saving Face With Enessa Organic Skincare Part 2!

Hey loves! I don’t know about you, but I’m super excited it’s Summer! Even though my favorite season will always be Autumn, I still look forward to this time of year! One of the things I really look forward to about the warm weather months, besides finally being able to break out my sundresses, shorts […]

Clean Beauty, Lifestyle

Current Favorite Summer Make-Up Essentials!

@Brie Louise Creative Studio 2023-2024

based in cambria, ny & working with clients worldwide
