
Hey, everyone! I have some new Femme Luxe picks that I want to share. Once again, I am not modeling these – I recently found out that I may have an abdominal hernia, which would explain why my stomach has been having some of the issues it has been. 🙁 Sooo…since I am too uncomfortable […]

Fashion, Lifestyle, Reviews

Femme Luxe Latest Picks!

So, this is kind of late posting as our anniversary was actually in April (and our trip was in May), but you know me..queen procrastinator, here! 😉 Anyways, it’s taken us a while but the hubs and I are finally in a place financially to be able to take a real vacation for our anniversary […]

Lifestyle, Travel

Celebrating Our Ten Year Anniversary in Portland, Maine – An Eco-Babe’s Dream City!

As much as I love the holidays (the food, the time spent with family, the presents), I don’t love the cold, dry weather that accompanies them! Colder weather means dry skin & hands, static-y hair and most annoyingly – dry, chapped lips! Ugh! I literally go through gallons of lip balm this time of year! […]


Vital Proteins Collagen Protein Beef Gelatin + DIY Candy Cane Lip Scrub!

Inspired by the tragic loss of her newborn daughter, founder Monica Leonard created Molly’s Suds to provide products that would be safe for the environment as well as the tiniest family member. Read more about their story here. Because of the alarming number of toxic chemicals that are approved for use, yet are untested for […]

Home, Lifestyle, Reviews

Molly’s Suds – An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Conventional Laundry Detergent

Hey, lovelies! So, I am super excited to share that I have a guest post up on one of my favorite green beauty and ethical fashion sites –Florum Fashion Magazine! *You can head to their site to check it out! 🙂 What are some of the everyday products you use that you’d like to “green up” on? […]


My Guest Post On Florum Fashion Magazine: Greener Alternatives To 9 Commonly Used Beauty & Personal Care Products!

@Brie Louise Creative Studio 2023-2024

based in cambria, ny & working with clients worldwide
