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Breakfast For Beautiful Skin – Homemade Raw Organic Blueberry Chia Jam {NO Sugar Added}

May 5, 2016

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I’ve always been one of those people that cannot function without eating breakfast, so I am always looking for ideas and recipes that will not only provide me with the fuel I need to get me through my morning, but that also have the added benefits of being good for my skin. One of my favorite meals is simply toast (sprouted grain) with some organic nut butter, chia seeds and pumpkin pie spice with either tea or decaf coffee. But sometimes, I want something sweet (PMS cravings anyone?) and this recipe hits all the right notes for my palate. 🙂

I normally make this with organic raspberries, but decided, this time, to use organic blueberries as they are not only tasty and less tart than raspberries but like their red berry “cousin”, they are one of the richest sources of antioxidants in the world {source}, meaning they help to fight those nasty age-accelerating free radicals!

Blueberries are also anti-inflammatory, making them a perfect food for fighting inflammatory skin issues, like acne and rosacea. They are also known to improve digestion, lower blood pressure, protect LDL lipoproteins (aka “the bad cholesterol”) from oxidative damage, as well as boost brain function and aid in weight loss – essentially, they live up to their “superfood” moniker! For this recipe, I keep them in their raw form to get maximum nutritional benefits!

In addition to blueberries, I add a squeeze of organic lemon juice for some extra vitamin C, chia seeds ( rich in Omega EFA’s, fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium and other various miconutrients), and my favorite, can’t live without – pumpkin pie spice (yes, I realize I am perpetuating the sterotype #sorrynotsorry)!

To make this delish “jam”, here is what you need:

  1. Small glass bowl, fork & a spoon
  2. Organic blueberries (fresh or frozen – if using frozen, allow to thaw completely)
  3. One organic lemon
  4. Chia seeds

Additional items to go with your “jam”:

  1. Cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  2. Two slices of sprouted grain bread (I like Ezekiel or Alpine Valley Super Grains)
  3. Organic nut butter of your choosing (I used Peanut Butter)


Step One:

Once blueberries are thawed, mash with fork to break them up and release their juices. Squeeze about 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice over mashed berries.

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Step Two:

Add about a tablespoon of chia seeds and mix well. Once they are fully incorporated, set aside and let sit until all juice is absorbed by the seeds. Chia seeds can absorb up to 12 times their weight in water, which is what will give this its jam-like consistency!

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Step Three:

Toast bread, add nut butter, use a spoon to scoop your jam on top of the nut butter, sprinkle a dash of cinnamon or PPS on top and enjoy! 🙂


Full recipe:

1/3 cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen)

1/2 teaspoon organic lemon juice

1 to 1 1/2 Tablespoon(s) of chia seeds


If you need a sweetener, add in a bit of raw honey or stevia before mixing in the chia seeds

Have you ever tried chia jam? What fruit did you use? Would you like to see more recipes like this? Let me know! 

Peace & Love,

Sabrina xoxo

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