essential oils

TBE’s Favorite Oils for Acne Prone Skin

January 23, 2017

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A while ago, I wrote a post on my favorite skincare essential oils for acne (see here), and today I want to share a few of my favorite carrier oils for treating acne-prone skin.

Before I dive in, I want to stress that what works for me and my skin may not work for you, so please bear that in mind. Always do a patch test to ensure you’re not allergic or sensitive, and give the product at least two weeks to see how your skin reacts.

The oils I selected are the ones that have not only helped keep breakouts and redness in check, but that have improved my skin overall. Some of these even provide some serious anti-aging benefits, so it’s a double win! 🙂

Rosehip Oil

I’ve heard mixed reviews on Rosehip oil – some people love it, and some complain it broke them out or irritated their skin. For me, it has been a skin saver. Rosehip oil is high in Linoleic acid – an essential fatty acid that seems to be lacking in acne-prone skin. It’s been found that skin that is deficient in Linoleic acid is higher in Oleic acid, which makes skin’s sebum thick and sticky which in turn clogs pores and causes breakouts. So, applying oils high in Linoleic acid, like Rosehip, should restore balance and help keep skin clear. Rosehip oil is also high in Vitamin A, which helps to improve skin tone, texture, and pigmentation, as well as Vitamin C to help stimulate collagen production. And the fatty acid content can help to regenerate skin that has been scarred. Since I have been using Rosehip oil in my skincare routine, I’ve noticed fewer breakouts, and less irritation and my skin isn’t quite the grease factory it usually is. 🙌🏻   My fave Rosehip oil products are this one and this one.

Black Cumin Seed Oil

Another oil that is great for oily and acne-prone skin is Black Cumin Seed oil, aka Nigella Sativa. High in vitamins A, B & C, as well as minerals such as Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium & EFAs, this oil helps to decongest and calm skin. Its potent antibacterial & antioxidant properties work to heal blemishes and repair damaged skin. My fave products containing this oil are this one, *this one and *this one.

Chia Seed Oil

While I was testing *this product a few months back, I noticed my skin was looking especially plump, hydrated, and most of all calm. The only ingredient in that product that I wasn’t as familiar with as a skincare ingredient was Chia Seed oil and after reading up on its many benefits for acne-prone skin, I purchased this one from Amazon. As a food source, I’m a huge fan of these little seeds – I eat them every day, but let me tell you, as a skin oil they are a game changer! Besides being the richest botanical source of Omega-3 fatty acids found in nature, Chia Seed oil is high in skin-protecting phytonutrients and antioxidants & has been proven to increase skin hydration, reduce trans-epidermal water loss and increase skin barrier function. The result (at least for me) is calmer, less red, less broken out, and more dewy, plump, and smooth skin! I like to mix a bit of the Chia Seed oil with the Shea Terra Rosehip oil at night and the Bee Beauty Face Oil in the mornings. Another favorite product containing this oil is *this one.  🙂 ❤️

Hemp Seed Oil

Dubbed “nature’s most perfectly balanced oil” because it contains all 21 known amino acids & its perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 (Linoleic) to Omega 3 (Alpha-Linoleic) fatty acids, Hemp Seed oil is one of the best oils for keeping oily/acne-prone skin in check. Besides being a rich source of EFA’s, Hemp Seed oil provides a good supply of antioxidants, phytosterols, and phospholipids, as well as minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, & Zinc. Another benefit is its ability to prevent moisture loss in the skin and to alleviate itchiness and irritation! My fave product containing this oil is this one.

Other oils that are good choices for acne-prone skin are:

Sacha Inchi –  High in Linoleic acid & antioxidants. Find it *here.

Hazelnut – Hydrating & balancing. Find it here & *here.

Evening Primrose – Calm & moisturizing for sensitive, irritated skin. High in GLA, which reduces inflammation in the skin. Find it here.

Grapeseed – High in Linoleic acid, light & fast absorbing. Find it *here.

Jojoba – Mimics our natural sebum, balancing and calming. Find it *here.

Yangu Oil – Rich in EFAs & antioxidants, lightweight, yet very hydrating. Find it here. {read my review on it here}

What are your favorite oils for treating acne-prone skin? Have any of these worked or not worked for you?

Peace & love,

Brie xo

*affiliate links

**Post originally written under a previous blog name – The Brunette Ecoholic

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