Now booking through october! Only 3 spots left!

More on my Teaching Style at BLC Music Studio

*I believe that singing can be not only incredibly enjoyable but also healing. It is through studying with my own teacher, that I have truly learned how to use singing as part of my own self-care practice, and this is something that I want to pass on to my own students/clients.

*I teach a whole-body approach to singing, incorporating what I have learned as well as what I am continuing to learn. This includes good posture, a strong focus on breath/core support and healthy airflow, a high tongue (think ‘NG’ position), the release of “bad tension”, and active facial muscles. I do teach a classical technique, but this can be applied to any style or genre – you won’t turn into an opera singer (unless you want to!).

*I incorporate the same tools with my students that I use in my own lessons – this may include hand gestures to help monitor airflow, resistance bands, or various exercises to help support the flow of air in a healthy and sustained way. I want to make sure that not only are my students learning proper, healthy technique but that they also have fun too! As my teacher told me, you won’t need a gym membership during our lessons! 

*All of my lessons are custom-designed for each student, because I know that just as every voice is different, so too are its needs. I work with each student to ensure that their unique, authentic voice is treated with the love and care it deserves. 

*I also teach how to use the techniques we singers use in our vocal practice as part of a self-care routine. We’ll go over breathing exercises, body movements, mantras, and vocalises to help calm you down and release some stress and tension! 

*Above all, I want every student or client, regardless of which type of class you are taking (voice lesson or music career coaching) to feel safe, happy, confident, and stress-free! I want our time together to be enjoyable and relaxing and to be able to give you the tools you need to help you shine both onstage and off!

Brie xo